The actor said he spoke to Richard Karn and the boys about a possible spin-off or reboot of the 90s comedy. Tim Allen is still interested in renovating Home Improvement. The funny 70-year-old recently spoke about what a rebooted version of his hit 90s comedy could look like, and shared that there is talk of a possible spin-off.
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Marko Gfreiter1 minute readPatricia Castle Richardson (born February 23, 1995) is an American actress best known for her role as Jill Taylor in the ABC comedy Home Improvement and Helen. Groundhog Day co-star Stephen Tobolowsky was the first choice to play Tim's partner in Tool Time, Al in Home Improvement.
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Marko Gfreiter2 minutes readThomas stuck with Home Improvement from its release in 1991 to 1998.He left early in the eighth and final season, and his character moved to Costa Rica in the second episode. In real life, Thomas wanted to focus on his education.
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Marko Gfreiter1 minute readEvery home needs some renovation at some point. And in a recent interview, Tim Allen revealed that at least there has been talk of a spin-off of his beloved 1990s comedy Home Improvement.
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Marko Gfreiter0 minutes readTim loves power tools, cars and sports. Based on Tim Allen's live comedy, Home Improvement aired for eight seasons on ABC.